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Trips report and history module - first trip stop duration differences
Trips report and history module - first trip stop duration differences
Updated over a week ago


History and reports module calculations do differ. Here we will review the trips report and history module, the first trip stop duration calculation.

Required information:

Information needed in order to perform the task (plus who needs to provide it)

TrustTrack login


Object name


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link all the apps needed in order to perform the task


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TrustTrack login


1. Log in to TT

2. Select the required object

3. Go to the history module tab and select the required period:

4. Look into the first trip. You can see how it is divided:

  • Stop duration before the trip started

  • Driving Duration

  • Stop Duration between first and second trip (first trip real stop time)

The vehicle started to move from 02:18:24 till 03:17:59 and the first stop happened:

5. Go to the report module, and select trips report for the same object and period:

Open report and review first trip stop duration:

In the trips report, there is no separation stop time before the trip and the first trip stop - total stop time is calculated as 2h. 18 min + 6 min =2h. 24 min. Stop times from midnight till the first trip start are calculated into the first trip stop duration.

This is not BUG, this is how the trips report is working. If any changes are required only solution is a New Feature Estimation request.

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