What stands under GNSS state 6 - disabled
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Information needed in order to perform the task (plus who needs to provide it)
Response from device to SMS command coords | Customer |
1. Send: <password> coords
2. Response example: 2013-04-24 07:01, lat. 46.1443183, long. 11.881766, alt. 217.5, sat. 8, dir. 198.10, hdop 100, state 6.
Response structure: <time>, lat. <latitude>, long. <longtitude>, alt. <altitude>, sat. <satellites>, dir. <angle>, hdop <hdop>, state <X>
<time> | Current GMT date & time. |
<latitude> | Current latitude. |
<altitude> | Current altitude (meters). |
<satellites> | Currently visible satellites. |
<angle> | Current angle |
<hdop> | Current HDOP level. |
<X> |
Current GNSS state. The values can be the following:
6 – disabled means that the GPS module is disabled and for that, there are a few reasons:
Data collection in configuration is disabled.
Power voltage is not connected properly henceforth not enough voltage to feed the GNSS module.
Some kind of hardware issue (logs are required).
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