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CAN LCV/HCV mileage stops updating (CAN value filter)
Updated over a month ago


As title.


1 - First of all, the compatibility of the device should be checked:

2 - Make sure the device is using the newest firmware, extender, and configuration saved with the newest configurator (configuration settings according to connection and supported vehicle list recommendations):

3 - After the above-mentioned actions are done collect remote CANbus logs while the vehicle is moving:

Example command: YourSMSPassword getlog,10103,2,60

Response: getlog ok

4 - Check collected logs

  • As for the CAN distance value, the value is indeed coming in according to the logs, but the device is filtering it out right now (don't show this screenshot to the client):

    "err cnt" must reach 1000 until the new value is updated on the mileage parameter. This will happen eventually and this always happens when a significant change in a CAN parameter is noticed, it is filtered for the first 1000 reads of it.

    This is how our devices always worked up to the 4th generation, and there is no way to go around this step. Old data will be saved in the device and then compared until it reaches the 1000 count; the ID of the parameter is shown in the log as well (114 is CAN high-resolution distance in the FMIO document). You can always see these entries in the logs with the "CAN.val.filter" keyword.

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